Obtaining a key
1. Access the developer portal Clarivate Developer Portal - WoS APIs and Log In
2. If you already have an account then sign in or register for a free account.
- use your CSIRO email adddress
- If you have registered with other Clarivate services such as Web of Science, Incites and EndNote Online then you may already have an account
3. Complete the registration by reading the terms and conditions and then register your new application (see image below)

APIs included in our subscription:
Conditions of use
- May retrieve reasonable amounts of content required for your own work and for CSIRO’s internal business purposes.
- The database does not provide access to full-text metadata via an API. However, the search results metadata contains the DOI which may be useful for text mining through CrossRef.
- Any Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) employees are entitled to request access to Web of Science
Other resources