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OpenAthens is an authentication service. It allows you to use your CSIRO account to access subscription-based electronic resources both on and off site. This guide contains information on the following topics:
Intended Audience: This guide is intended for CSIRO research and professional staff
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There will be no change if you are accessing resources via Discovery Search.
You may now directly login to some online databases/journals via OpenAthens using your CSIRO account. Look for the Institutional Login, Library Login or OpenAthens login option.
OpenAthens establishes one set of log-in credentials for all web resources and applications. You can easily sign in and access the information you are looking for without being confronted with unnecessary restrictions.
OpenAthens provides access to information quickly and easily with single links, whether you are working on or off-site. Users can also access the information using mobile devices.
It doesn't matter where you start: from Google or Google Scholar, the journal’s website or a link shared by a friend, OpenAthens allows us to bring library resources to you.