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Table of Contents (TOC) alerts

Identify journals of interest in library databases such as BrowZine and websites like JournalTOCs and set up Table of Contents (TOC) alerts to be notified each time new issues and articles are published.


The library's subscription to BrowZine includes access to a wide range of scholarly journals, keeping you informed of the latest research in your field.

Create alerts in BrowZine

Add journal titles to your bookshelf and receive notifications via email when new content is added.

  1. Create a BrowZine account and ensure you are signed in.
  2. Search for a journal title, subject or ISSN or browse the subject categories:

  1. Identify a journal of interest and click ‘Add to my Bookshelf’ to start receiving alerts when new articles are published:


Manage alerts in BrowZine

  1. Click on ‘My Bookshelf’ at the top of the screen:


  1. View the contents of each journal by clicking on the cover:


  1. You have the option to rename your Bookcases and Shelves:


  1. To rename a Bookcase or Shelf, hover over the title until you see the pencil icon alt="" and click to enter the new name.
  2. Save the name by clicking the tick icon and click on the horizontal menu above each journal to Move and re-sort titles:


You can also use the BrowZine app to easily access e-journals and keep track of new articles in your field on your mobile device.

Journal TOCs

JournalTOCs is the largest free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs) and consists of over 29,000 journals including more than 13,000 Open Access titles and 11,000+ hybrid journals from 3353 publishers.

Register for a free account and ensure you are signed in to follow up to 30 journals.

Create alerts in journal TOCs

  1. Browse through the ‘Most Followed Journals’ on the homepage and tick to follow titles of interest:


  1. Or select ‘View All’ to see the full list and make your selections:


  • Sort the list by Journal Title, Followers, Last Updated, Publisher, Access Rights or Last Added:


  • Then tick to follow journals of interest:


  • Untick at any time to stop following a journal:


  1. Search for journals by title or ISSN:


  1. The number of results matching your search will be displayed. Tick the checkbox next to the journal to start following it:


  1. Click on the journal title to display the latest Table of Contents:


  1. Search for articles by keyword:


  1. The number of results matching your search will be displayed:


  1. Click on an article title to view the details including the Table of Contents:


  1. Tick the checkbox to save the article to your account:


  1. Select Subjects A-Z to browse the list of subjects:


  1. Click on a subject to view the list of associated titles:


  1. The number of results matching your search will be displayed:


  1. Click on a title to view the contents:


  1. Or tick the checkbox to follow the journal:


  1. Select Publishers A-Z to browse the list of publishers:


  1. Click on a publisher to view the list of associated titles:


  1. The number of journals produced by the publisher will be displayed:


  1. Click on a title to view the details including the journal contents:


  1. Or tick a checkbox to follow a journal of interest:


Manage alerts in journal TOCs

  1. Click on your name on the top right of the screen to manage your followed journals:

  1. Select Followed Journals:

  1. View your list of followed journals, turn email alerts on or off or untick a checkbox to stop following a title:


  1. Click on your name on the top right of the screen to manage your saved searches:

  1. Select Saved Searches:

  1. Searches that you conduct while logged in to JournalTOCs are stored under Saved Searches. Delete or Save each search to your account:


  1. Saved searches will appear in the Saved Searches folder when you are logged in:


  1. Click on your name on the top right of the screen to manage your saved articles:

  1. Select Saved Articles:

  1. View a list of the articles you are following, export the reference(s) to Endnote or click the red 'X' next to the title to delete it from your saved list: