Search with CSIRO's Discovery to find Books and eBooks easily.
Items not available in the library can be requested using Document Delivery.
If there's something you think that we should have in our collection, please suggest a purchase.
To find Indigenous knowledge resources, try some of these terms when searching in a database or the library catalogue.
Aborigin* OR Indigenous
"Indigenous Australians"
"First Nations"
"Indigenous knowledge" AND "research methods"
Indigenous AND (knowledge* OR knowing)
"Indigenous knowledge" AND ("intellectual property" OR rights)
Indigenous AND data AND governance
Discovery searches across print and online resources available in the library collection, as well as articles and other resources, with links to full-text and the Document Delivery Service.
Here are some subject links worth exploring.
To request items through Discovery simply open the item and select the Document Delivery Request link. (Nexus login details required).
We have added an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language filter to Discovery
Conduct a regular search within Discovery and use the dedicated filter located on the right-hand side of the results page to select your desired Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language (where available).